Development cycles are very long, yet there is a growing demand for innovation. Consumers are more selective, but it is impossible to display the entire range of relevant configurations without the associated surpluses.

In an industry where everyone is squeezed under cost pressure, what can really make a difference?

How to relentlessly push cost down while ensuring the appeal of an outstanding product?

How to offer a robust product range to boost sales while reducing surplus inventories?

Goldratt Approach

  • Accelerate new product development cycle by applying TOC CCPM project management methodology – increasing flow of projects and reducing iterations.
  • Generate differentiating products by applying a value driven innovation process at the product and engineering level.
  • Break the silos in the chain between OEM and dealers, between Vendor and OEMs to increase responsiveness and flexibility.
  • Reduce lead times and surplus inventory, while increasing the ability to provide a wide range of options downstream.
Goldratt Consulting’s robust TOC methodologies and IT tools, implemented by business leaders with wide industry experience, provides what you need, focusing on your key constraints.

Contact us for relevant case studies and to gain an understanding of expected results for your specific environment.
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